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12 Truths from a Self-Published Author That Will Help You Publish Your First Book

Are you dreaming of becoming an author and sharing your stories with the world? The world of self-publishing on platforms like Kindle has made it easier than ever to turn your dream of writing a book into a reality. 

And who better to guide you through the process than someone who has self-published not one, but five successful Kindle books? 

In this article, we'll explore how to write your first book, offering tips and tricks to help you get started on your writing journey.

1. Kindle Is An Accessible Platform

First things first, embrace the fact that Kindle is an accessible platform for aspiring authors. Gone are the days of complicated publishing processes and waiting for traditional publishers to notice your work. Kindle allows you to take control of your publishing journey. 

It's user-friendly and provides all the tools you need to publish your book independently.

2. Your Book Doesn't Have to Be Long to Be Successful

One of the most common misconceptions about writing a book is that it has to be a lengthy time. Not true! Many successful Kindle books are concise and to the point. 

In fact, readers often appreciate books that get straight to the heart of the matter. Focus on delivering value, solving a problem, or telling a compelling story. 

If it can be done in fewer pages, that's perfectly fine.

3. Write How You Speak

When you're writing your first book, it's essential to find your voice. A key tip is to write how you speak. Imagine you're having a conversation with a friend. 

This makes your writing more relatable and engaging. Readers should feel like they're getting to know you through your writing. Authenticity goes a long way in building a connection with your audience.

4. Revise, Revise, and Revise Your Draft

Writing is rewriting. After you've completed your initial draft, take the time to revise it thoroughly. Don't rush this process. Look for errors, inconsistencies, and opportunities to improve your writing. 

Consider seeking feedback from beta readers or fellow writers. Remember, your first draft is just the beginning.

5. Kindle Provides All the Formatting Tools You Need

Formatting your book for Kindle may sound daunting, but the platform provides comprehensive formatting tools and guidelines. Kindle's publishing platform walks you through the process, making it accessible even for beginners. 

Take advantage of these resources to ensure your book looks polished and professional.

6. Start with Bullet Points

If you ever feel overwhelmed by the prospect of writing a book, break it down into manageable steps. Start by outlining your book with bullet points. 

This approach can help you organize your thoughts and prevent writer's block. Each day, expand on three bullet points. Before you know it, you'll have a book taking shape.

7. Give It Time to Breathe

Once you've completed your manuscript, resist the urge to publish it immediately. Put it aside for at least a week or longer if possible. This break allows you to return to your work with fresh eyes and a more critical perspective. 

You'll spot errors and areas for improvement that you might have missed during the writing process.

8. Consider Professional Editing

Editing can be a challenging and time-consuming process. If you find yourself overwhelmed or unsure about the editing phase, consider hiring a professional editor. 

Freelance platforms like People Per Hour can connect you with experienced editors who can polish your work to perfection.

9. Don't Forget About Cover Design

Your book's cover is its first impression. While there are tools to help you create a cover, if you're not confident in your design skills, consider hiring a freelance graphic designer. 

A professionally designed cover can make a significant difference in attracting readers.

10. Order an Author's Copy Before Publishing

Before hitting the publish button, order an author's copy of your book. This physical copy allows you to see how your book looks in print. It's a valuable step in ensuring the formatting and layout are as you intended.

11. Don't Be Scared

Fear and self-doubt can be significant obstacles in your writing journey. Remember that every successful author faced rejection and doubt at some point. 

Don't be scared to put your work out there. Your book is a success simply by existing; you've achieved a remarkable feat by writing it.

12. Success Takes Time

Finally, remember that success in self-publishing doesn't happen overnight. It's a journey that requires patience and persistence. Marketing, building an audience, and gaining recognition take time. 

Stay committed to your writing, and success will come.


Writing your first book can be an exciting and fulfilling endeavor. With Kindle as your accessible platform, you have the tools and support needed to turn your writing dreams into reality. 

Remember, it doesn't have to be a long epic; authenticity and value matter most. So, embrace your unique voice, revise diligently, and take one step at a time. Your journey as an author is just beginning. Happy writing!

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