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49 Reasons the Conservative Party lost the 2024 General Election

The Conservative Party lost the 2024 very badly.

Here are 49 rough ideas on why I think that the Conservative Party lost the election.

Please note this list is a work in progress and not in any order of importance and is also a work that is a little tongue-in-cheek and a bit of fun.

  1. Staff and Leadership got captured by their own algorithms.
  2. Greedy betting gave the Labour Party the heads-up on the election.
  3. Rishi Sunak was a bad communicator.
  4. Boris Johnson and Lizz Truss had trashed the brand.
  5. Osbourne Syndrome - The obsession with winning elections over governing lead to bad government outcomes.
  6. It failed on Brexit.
  7. The demographics of Britain changed whilst in office.
  8. Let Landlordism run amock.
  9. Massive decrease in homeownership, stock ownership and financial security.
  10. Acted and governed as the Pensioners Party and not a One Nation Party.
  11. Over-communicated the "levelling up" agenda and isolated their core southern voters, whilst not "levelling up"
  12. Thatcherism became a revolution with no end, or enemies so it started attacking institutions that made Britain Great.
  13. Culture war nonsense. Day in, Day out.
  14. Attacking home working.
  15. Five-year focus on tactical media comms that won the day but lost the war.
  16. A large number of shy Conservatives died whilst they were in office. They were not replaced.
  17. Housing costs in large cities moved more educated liberal professionals out of city centres and made the commute belt more like London.
  18. Focus on astroturfing campaigning over activist-led campaigns.
  19. Losing councillors year after year without replacing
  20. Increasing the age of the party, as voters and members.
  21. Attachment to large-scale wealthy donors made the campaigning easy until they got donated.
  22. Private renters become Labour and Liberal Voters, not Conservatives.
  23. The Brexit purge ideologically narrowed the party and reduced the broad church nature of the party.
  24. Weird obsessions - ULEZ, Genderless Toilets, Lefty Lawyers.
  25. The Nasty and Incompentient party.
  26. Rishi Sunak's career was separated from the real world - Private school, Oxford, City, California, Westminster. Isolated him from both British politics and normal people, making it a difficult sell.
  27. LIZ TRUSS.
  28. Austerity.
  29. Parties at number 10.
  30. Losing the graduate vote.
  31. Losing the non-graduate vote.
  32. Losing the master's graduate vote.
  33. Losing the male vote.
  34. Losing the female vote.
  35. The voting public had decided that it was a time for change.
  36. Lost voters in Scotland and Wales through sounding and acting very "English" (in a bad way).
  37. Sending former minister Laura Trott out to say Dead Cat Bounce stuff on almost every occasion.
  38. Became the party of Landlords, Pensions and "motorists".
  39. Did not fix the potholes.
  40. Sewage in the rivers and sea.
  41. Energy bills got too high.
  42. Gas bills got too high.
  43. Mortgages and rent bills got too high.
  44. Government by Whatsapp coupled with rebellion by Whatsapp.
  45. They didn't have a Labour leader who was a Communist, granola-eating, terrorist-loving geography teacher to scare the public into voting for them.
  46. The public forgot they disliked the Liberal Democrats (well done Ed!).
  47. The Murdoch-led Right Wing press lost their place as opinion setters in the age of influencers, social media and direct communications.
  48. No one to deliver leaflets.
  49. Boris Johnson. Boris Johnson. Boris Johnson.

#Conservatives #GE24 #General Election #Labour #Liberal Democrats #Tories