Home Working Henry

Brexit, A Bizarre Liberation

Brexit will be viewed with puzzlement in the future. A time in history a people liberated themselves from an empire that doesn't exit, to free themselves from the yoke of laws made in their own land, by their own people.

A yoke that was perpetuated by foreign press billionaires telling tall tales about the economy, immigrants and poverty to sell fish n chip paper.

So a majority believe we can make a better economy by leaving the biggest conglomeration of free trade deals in history and largest concentration of economic prosperity.

Truly bizarre.

The Brexitters won.

They got "their country back" - whatever that means?

Who knows.

Do they know?

However, this victory is short lived. As Timothy Garton Ash said in the Guardian today

"“The desire for isolation, the knowledge that it is impossible – these are the two poles between which the needle of the British compass continues to waver.” The words of the historian RW Seton-Watson in a history of Britain in Europe published in 1937. True then, even more true now."

Reality is now upon us for good or bad. Let's just hope that the brexiteers are right and the remainers are wrong.

#Brexit #Disaster #EU #Freedom #Leaving the EU #Liberation