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Conservative Party Comfort Zone

The Conservative Party on July 4th took a historic beating.

The worst electoral result in modern times for the Conservatives.

Only one in four voters voted Conservative in the election.

That is a low number and it appears to have come as a shock to many within Conservative circles. Of course, if they left the Westminster bubble for a few minutes they might have seen what was coming down the road.

However many of their MPs are still high on sniffing a brand of glue called Brexit and drinking the wine of endless political psychodrama.

They paid the price at the ballot box.


This defeat will likely move the Conservative Party into its comfort zone for a while at least and maybe an entire parliament. This is a unique opportunity for the Liberal Democrats.

Conservative Comfort Zones

The modern-day Conservative Party is likely to indulge in the following Comfort Zone campaigns over the coming years:

Puritanical Nimbyism - Nimbyism is something of a local political obsession, which let's face it all parties are in the habit of doing.

Benefits Berrating - Everyone who takes benefits of any kind will now be the worst people possible. Without the Red Wall to hold them back, except some nonsense policies like paying everyone on jobseekers in food vouchers for Iceland

Reform lite or Hug-a-Farage - Nasty party vibes are likely to eminent and plenty of love-ins with Nigel Farage.

Whatever Labour does is wrong opposition - The chances are the conservative party will find fault with everything and offer very little. A huge amount of effort will be wasted on trivial opposition.

This political comfort zone will last at least a couple of years, however, my prediction will be another defeat in 2028/2029.

Time will tell.

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