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Cutting Climate Change Complacency

Forty thousand diplomats, journalists, campaigners and policymakers will descend on COP21 in Paris. This conference is one of the important to date and will aim to create a cross nation agreement, mobilise vast sums of money and allow developing nations to undergo sustainable development. This is a noble and lofty goal and those taking part should be proud of their efforts. However, most embers of the global public will either be too busy, cynical or complacent to notice.

Complacency is dangerous and something I come across every day as a recruiter. Talking about a new career opportunity can be low on most people’s to-do list after work, family, social commitments and numerous other worries. I often have to cut through this background noise and the most successful way I have found is to tell a human story, understand the needs of the audience and provide tangible outcomes. I believe these can offer a real antidote.

Climate change needs to step away from a scientific debate about theories, statistics and narrow discourse, in favour of communications with people about people. It needs to tell human stories relevant to people’s lives. A reduction in snowfall on mountains in Europe due to rising temperatures and climate change will mean little to most people.

However, as an example, focusing on Jean-Claude whose ski rental company went bankrupt because skiers moved location (due to diminishing snow) meaning he and his family have lost their home and livelihood will make a compelling (if sad) story.

I believe climate change communications must focus on the audience perspective and how they see the world. A trade unionist is not necessarily going to care about global temperature rise. They are going to care about jobs that are lost due to supply chain disruption caused by rising sea levels or flooding.

Many people do not see the tangible outcomes of the agreements on climate change. An agreement to reduce carbon emissions is not going to be noticed by city dwellers; however, they are going to see policies that promote the sharing economy or driverless cars that reduce city snog, create jobs and reduce traffic congestion. All of these things will improve their lives and help in the fight against climate change.

To ensure the successful legacy of COP21 and counteract the threat from a lax implementation that happens to the Kyoto Protocols we have to talk to people about climate change in a real, meaningful and human way. Showing empathy, emotion, and interest to create a sense of urgency to tackle this issue

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