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Opinion - Femi Paradox and Human-Centred Thinking

The Femi Paradox is something that really interests me, the idea that there should be hundreds of civilisations out in the galaxy but there is just silence.

It has always got me thinking that maybe:

We are possibly a very, very strange galactic freak show. Advanced civilisations might be so advanced that their communication is cloaked to sound like the background noise and energy of the universe. Civilisations might only last 5,000-100,000 years which is a blink of the galactic eye, so they come and go without ever meeting each other. However, my personal belief is that we are looking for advanced life and are looking at it without realising it. For instance, might black holes be predators eating prey stars like microbes of the earth do.

Except we are looking at what is happening from a completely different time perspective so to us it looks like the force of physics instead of a type of life we do not understand.

Human-centred thinking is potentially holding back the search for other civilisations in space. If they are out there.

Alternatively, we are the first civilization and it will be humanity that spreads life across the stars.

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That we are a total fluke and need to sustain the earth as a perfect blue and green fluke of nature and the universe.

And Galloway is the greenest and prettiest part of the Universe.

I got Galloway in there somehow!!

#Alternative Thinking #Femi Paradox #Human-Centred Thinking #Opinion #Science Fiction