Home Working Henry

Letter to the Basingstoke Gazette about Housing and Immigration

The letter in the Gazette blaming immigration for the housing crisis really showed simplistic thinking.

Our current housing crisis was not caused by immigration. The crisis has been created by three critical factors.

  1. Increased life expectancy has increased the population over the last 30 years. This means that those over 55 are going to live around 10-15% longer than their parents. Given they make up 28% of the population that alone would put pressure on our housing stock.

  2. Lack of house building by both the public and private sectors below required levels. Most years since the 1980's we have built less than needed.

  3. Increased numbers of single-person households at all stages of life meaning more homes are needed.

Yes, immigrants do take houses, but the above factors are the real culprits in our crazy housing markets.

The only way to sort out the housing crisis is to understand why it happened and take appropriate action.

Blaming foreigners or the EU for all our ills is easy to do. However, it is rarely truthful or helpful.

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