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Open letter to Galloway MPs about the Free School Meals fiasco

Local MPs should hang their heads in shame over their role in the free school meals fiasco.

Mr Mundel MP and Mr Jack MP have really let down the good name of Dumfries and Galloway with their actions over Free School Meals.

Children shouldn’t go hungry, it’s as simple as that. A society in which children go hungry is not civilised.

They showed a lack of common decency and slapped local farmers in the face who work hard to feed the nation.

It’s a slap in the face to English-based children, some of them Scottish. Mr Mundel and Mr Jack got to vote on this knowing it wouldn’t affect their constituents.

Taking morality aside, Mr Jack has regularly said that the SNP should stick out of English-only votes. So why did he vote to let English children only go hungry?

Whatever your political colour, whatever your religious creed, allowing children to go hungry is seen rightly as something abhorrent. We really should not be discussing this in 2020.

Mr Jack and Mr Mundel should hang their heads in shame. We should not abuse them for it. That would be sinking to their low level.

The shops, businesses, restaurants and cafes of Dumfries and Galloway should do the right thing and refuse to serve them.

Maybe that way they will learn to be more civil and maybe understand the rumble in the belly so many children will face.

*published in the Galloway Gazette

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