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Postmaster scandal and the dysfunctional Westminster system

The Postmaster’s scandal shows that Westminster is completely broken as a seat of power.

The only people to blame for this scandal are The Post Office and Fujitsu’s senior leadership who lied to them covered up the evidence and ruined lives.

Instead of just tasking the police and national crime agency to investigate and bring charges and quickly, pass an amnesty bill they are fighting like rats in a sack to try and score political points.

Frankly, it’s nauseating and does make you more inclined to listen to the Scottish Independence campaigners.

Until you see the stories about the ferries and how the SNP and Scottish government have spent away millions on something as simple as buying boats. Holyrood is becoming a small clone of Westminster.

British politics, governance and administration feel like it is a new low and I am unsure what is going to wrestle the country out of this funk.

#British Politics #Politics #Postmaster Scandal #Scottish Politics #Westminster