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The SNP need to start governing and solving problems

The July General Election was not good for the SNP in Westminster. They stopped being the biggest party in Scotland, indeed, their MP tally is pretty close to the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives in Scotland, with Labout way out ahead once again.

Why has this come to be? My personal hot take on this, is simply they stopped governing and solving problems.

Like the Conservatives in Westminster, internal division, weird ideological stances, non-relevant messaging and not focusing on

John Swinney I believe can turn this around by following the below steps:

  1. Listen to what the people living in Scotland want from the Scottish Government.
  2. Start quietly governing. The public loves boring politicians doing government quietly and effectively.
  3. Put independence aside, and prove that Scotland can govern itself before banging on about a referendum.
  4. Solve Scotland's problems: from housing to healthcare the Scottish government, as M:People would say "has the power".
  5. Stop cranks becoming Prospective Parliamentary Candidates.

If the SNP follow these steps they have a real chance of staying in power in Holyrood in 2025.